How to Get Help for an Anorexic Teen

anorexic adult female

Anorexia is a critical and occasionally life-threatening eating disorder whose sufferers frequently starve themselves to lose excessive quantities of fat. 90 to 95 percent of individuals with anorexia are young women and girls.


1. Spot the warning signs. Anorexic teens frequently skip meals, refuse to eat in front of others, obsess over food labels, weigh themselves always and exercise compulsively.

2. Address the problem as quickly as you guess your teen might have anorexia. The longer the sickness goes untreated, the tougher it is for your teenager to recover.

3. Seek out therapy or counselling. Family therapy is typically a critical step on the pathway to recovery for anorexic teens. Parents play a crucial role in shaping teens’ perceptions of their bodies.

4. Television series and magazines, movies promote unrealistic ideals of beauty, and it is crucial that your adolescent understands that her self-worth is not tied to her weight or her outward appearance.

5. Research outpatient treatment options, which your local hospital likely offers. Outpatient treatment contains group counselling, wherever your adolescent can talk to other people who are struggling from anorexia, together with sessions with professional counselors or therapists.

6. In these facilities, your teenager’s physical well-being is monitored on a regular basis, her eating and nourishment are scrutinized and she attends both private and group therapy sessions.

Tips and Warnings

In addition to acquiring unusual behaviors about food, anorexic teens may withdraw from friends and family members.

It is common for teens to relapse following therapy, so closely monitor her conduct. In the event that you detect the warning signs of anorexia emerging again, immediately seek out assistance for her once again.

Some teens require several in patient stays before they recover.

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